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Updated April 2006



1. The actors: states, capital and peoples' movements
2. The stage: the world
3. Peoples' movements before the world market system
4. Local communities' defence against the world market system
5. Wage labourers' defence against capital owners
6. System peripheries' defence against the center
7. Agriculturalists' defence against the food markets
8. Marginalized peoples' aspiration for equality
9. The self-defence of civil society
10. The peoples' movement system
In Swedish

"Cocktailkurvan" - världens inkomster fördelat på decentiler 1970-2000

A statistical measure of the failure of the peoples' movements: The shares of the global incomes distributed on decentiles. The richest ten percents grow increasingly richer, from 48% of the incomes in 1970 to 54% in 1999. Primarily at the expence of thouse who have taken part in the peeoles' movements of the twentieth century -- about the sixth to the ninth decentile. But if you look closely the thrird to the fifth has gained too -- this are the Chinese, whise national & agrarian mobilization was one of the great successes of the twentieth century. Source: Yuri Dikhanov & Michael Ward: Evolution of the global distribution of income in 1970-99, 5th Conference on Globalisation, Growth and Inequality, Warwick 2002. The figures concern the whole income, not only the monetarized one.



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